Thursday, 5 May 2016

10 essential tips for GATE EXAM 2016

GATE is one of the most prestigious all India examinations in the field of Engineering. The scores from this highly competitive exam are not only regarded as the admission parameter for M. Tech, MS or ME courses; it is regarded as the qualifying test for most PSUs in India. Gate exam 2016 is being conducted by IISC, Bangalore. By nature, GATE is a highly competitive exam and requires a lot of hard work to crack it. However, a GATE qualification can land you a high flying job in PSUs and open excellent opportunities for higher studies.

Points to note for GATE:
1.       The entire examination is conducted online.
2.       Examinees are not allowed to carry scientific calculators in the exam hall; they’ll have to use the virtual calculator on the computer.
3.       The GATE score is valid for 3 years.
4.       There are no multiple choices to choose from; examinees have to put numerical answers for the questions.
5.       GATE 2016 will be conducted for all together 23 fields.

6.       The examination fee is INR 1500 for General and OBC examinees and INR 750 for female and SC/ST examinees. 

Useful tips for cracking GATE  Exam 2016:

1.       As the entire examination is conducted online, it is essential to have a level of comfort with computers. Candidates who are not very familiar with online exam process may face technical difficulty, thus consuming extra time during examination. To rule out this barrier, take mock tests online and get familiar with the online exam process.
2.       This year candidates are not allowed to carry scientific calculators with them. Instead you’ll have to use the virtual calculator on computer. Here also, familiarity an issue. Thus, practice using the virtual calculator while preparing. This way you’ll not have to fumble around and can save precious time.
3.       Goal setting is essential to achieve success in GATE. The syllabus for this examination is vast and thus you may be tempted to leave out 2-3 topics. However, if you are eyeing the top IITS or major PSUs, you’ll not be able to afford it. In case you are just looking at qualifying the exam, you may leave out 2-3 topics and concentrate on the rest.
4.       Any branch of Engineering has a bunch of formulas. It is essential to master the formulas to succeed in GATE. There are a number of apps today that can help you practice your formulas on the go. Download any such app and utilise your commute time or otherwise unproductive time to memorise the formulas.
5.       GATE mainly tests the candidates on their clarity of concept. Here a good study group or any online tutorial program can be of great help.
6.       Take as many mock tests as possible. It is also essential to solve the previous years’ question papers to understand the question patterns. Solving these question papers will not only make you familiar with the examination, but also will help your in self assessment.
7.       Give added focus on high scoring topics such as General Ability and Engineering Mathematics. These two topics consist of 30% of the total marks and are relatively easy to score when practiced well.
8.       Make sure to prepare a study schedule and stick to it. Make your schedule flexible enough to accommodate some fun time and emergency situations. This way you’ll not be forced to change or let go of your schedule.
9.       Take adequate rest. A minimum of 7-8 hours sleep a day is essential for your brain to function optimally. Ensure this to keep your mind fresh and alert while studying.
10.   Last but not the least; have some relax time to rejuvenate or recharge your brain. 

So, these are 10 essential tips to crack GATE this year. If you are a GATE aspirant, then stick to these points and put your best foot forward for a high flying GATE score. 

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