Saturday, 16 April 2016

[Solved] Wireless Network Connection doesn't have a valid IP configuration

Recently I had to replace my 3 year old Netgear JNR1010 N150 router with TP-Link  TL-WR841N the task seemed pretty easy as configuring a new router should be not a big deal I thought, however the show was not a easy one, otherwise this post wouldn't  have been written at all. The first problem was that my ISP allows me to connect directly only on one MAC address, this huddle was easy to get through just a call at customer care and they made it free for some time and allowed me to connect the new router and assigned the new MAC address to my account. Going by the instructions I was able to configure my router for PPPoE account and validated the same on my Android phone. However, when tried verifying the same on laptop I got below error once problem was diagnosed by Windows.

The problem screenshot

After the problem was known, it made task simpler as I knew what to search for. Below are the ones which worked.

Method 1: 

If above method doesn't work then go for this step.

Step1: Open Network and Sharing Center from Control Panel.

Step2: Go to Change Adapter Settings from menu on left.

Step3: Right click on your network adapter (It should be showing 'Unidentified Network')

Step4: Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)  and click on Properties button

Step5: Assign static Ip as shown in below image.

Assigning Static IP
Assigning static IP
Step6: Click on Ok button.

Step7: Turn off your wifi and connect again. Hope fully the problem should have gone now.

Method 2:

Step1: Open Command Prompt as administrator.

Step2: Type command "NETSH WINSOCK RESET" 

Step3: Restart your system.

Method 3:

Step1:  Open the Run command by pressing windows button and 'R' key simultaneously.

Step2: Type devmgmt.msc

Step3: In device manager window, scroll down to Network Adapters and find yours as shown in below image.

Device Manager
Device Manager
Step4: Once you spot your Network Adapter, right click on it and select uninstall network adapter.

Step5: Go to Action on Menu bar and select scan for hardware changes, your network adapter should get re-installed.

Step6: Reboot your router and then restart your PC as well. This should solve your issue.

Still having problems or have other working solution for the problem? Let us know by commenting below post.

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