Thursday, 18 February 2016

$1 out of every $3 spend on data is wasted in background activities suggests new study from Opera Max

In one of the launch events some one quoted "Your smartphone is not smartphone if it doesn't have a smart network". The line is so true and meaningful in today's context where phone network is not required just to connect your number to some other remote number, it has lot more to do. Smart phones keeps you connected to the whole world, the world of information and technology as we know it today, but that comes with a price to get an application is a different thing and to be connected with to the world through all these applications is another thing which needs your data to be on all the time. What if we tell you that one third of your money spend on mobile data is wasted by background activities of popular applications such as Facebook, WhatsApp , Gmail etc.

A new app-usage finding, conducted through millions of Opera Max users, shows that on average over 30% of all data is used by apps running in the background.Facebook Messenger and Gmail are the most data-hungry apps this way, with some 73% of their total data usage happening in the background.Google Drive and WhatsApp showed more than 50% background data usage.

What amounts to background data, background data is the internet traffic which is still running when you are not actually using the application. This data may be used for syncing mail, pre-fetching ads to display, get notifications for the offers you might not even want to see or get news feed. Understanding the requirements of user and the applications itself is very important here. For someone like me it might be very important to get notified as soon as a new mail has come, however for some it might be ok to check the mails in some pre-defined interval. 

Opera Max has solution for the problem, the Smart Alerts feature allow to take control on apps which are using most of your data and customize the behaviour as per your requirements.Opera Max’s Smart Alerts automatically identify apps that use a lot of data in the background. Opera Max then notifies you about how to manage these data-hungry apps, giving you an easy, two-tap way to block apps from using your mobile data.Opera Max triggers Smart Alerts when it detects excessive background data usage of over 10 MB per week.These alerts will show up inside Opera Max as a card in the “Data usage timeline”, a card in “App management” and in the OS notification bar, to help better manage background data consumption. The user will also get a pop-up when Opera Max detects heavy, rapid background data usage.

“Most apps are made to give a great user experience, not to save data. If you fetch background data through your data plan, it’s like throwing away $1 out of every $3 you spend on your mobile data plan,” says Sergey Lossev, Product Manager at Opera Software.

“Most people are not aware of this background data drain and may not have authorized it, nor do they know how to stop it from happening. That is why, today, we are introducing Smart Alerts in Opera Max,” adds Lossev

“Smart Alerts help you easily manage your background data usage, as well as getting helpful tips and suggestions on how to prevent apps from devouring your data,” Lossev continues.

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