Thursday, 16 July 2015

element1: First smartwatch that doesn't require charging hits Indiegogo for funding

Number One, a New York based startup is all all set to launch its smartwatch element1 which will be first Smartwatch with a kinetic battery. That means you wont have to charge your smartwatch if you move your hands to generate kinetic energy that is enough to charge it for next day. The company has chosen indiegogo to raise $125,000 USD out of which $3,821 has been raised at time of writing this article with 25 days more to go.

The element1 is compatible with Android, iOS as well as Windows phone mobile operating systems i.e. you will not be restrained to a particular mobile operating system to use the smartwatch. The element1 also comes with 2 GB memory which can be used to load music and a bluetooth (or wired headset connected with mini USB port of watch) headset can be used to listen to your favourite playlist either directly from the watch or your smartphone without any hassles on the go.

Below is the video that demonstrates capabilities of the smartwatch.

 The navigation helps you to find the right way and the weather app shows if you need an umbrella or not. The element1 is compatible with iOS, Android and Windows Phone. You can choose between 3 modes of notification to be informed, but not disturbed. You can buy four different fruit-colours. Black currant, apple-green, lychee or blueberry-lime.

The LCD touchscreen has a resolution of 240 x 240 pixel and the case a diameter of 1.69 inch. More sizes are planned for the future. The user is able to choose between many languages.

The polycarbonate element1 is only the beginning. A steel version is following and a kinetic battery will be available in 2016. It provides the element1 with sufficient power by natural movements. This will revolutionize the smartwatch market. It can extend the standby time up to 3 weeks and more, depending on the movement.

The first smartwatches will be delivered in December 2015. If you fancy wearing one, $99 is the pledge you need to make

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