Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Leading Elder Care Company, Tribeca Care, launches Senior Emergency Alarms

Elder care is a major challenge in India as many of us struggle with our own hectic lives and busy schedules. More of us live in nuclear families, often in different cities to our older parents. This robs them of the traditional family support which kicked in during medical emergencies – from calling an ambulance to helping with hospitalisation. In India, more than 33 percent of accidents and falls involving senior citizens occur at home. But what happens if no one is at home and your elderly mother has a fall or your father has a stroke? Such worries affect millions of Indians concerned about the welfare of their older parents who are increasingly living alone.


Tribeca Care, Eastern India’s largest Elder Care Company, has announced the launch of yet another unique service - “Tribeca Senior Emergency Alarm”. The Senior Alarm, which can be worn as a wristband or pendant or bracelet, will dial pre-chosen numbers at the push of a button - even if the older citizen is in no position to make a phone call himself. Most importantly, the call will be monitored by “Tribeca 24/7 Bharosa Helpline” and an emergency response protocol will be immediately activated. This includes arranging for ambulances, letting family members know, helping with hospitalization and, if required, a Tribeca Care Manager accompanying the patient to the hospital itself. Tribeca Care’s full-service Emergency Response offering provides Senior Citizens and their families complete Peace of Mind.

Tribeca’s basic Emergency Response services, currently available only in Kolkata, start at a monthly subscription cost of Rs 250/month. The 12-month contract can also be upgraded for other value-added Elder Care packages. This service will soon be available in New Delhi and other key cities.

About Tribeca Care
Started in late-2013, Tribeca Care (www.tribecacare.com) is one of India’s most innovative Elder Care Companies, providing more than 7,500 monthly bed-side visits in its launch market, Kolkata. The Management Team of Tamojit Dutta, Prateep Sen, Elina Dutta, Dr. Shibaji Saha and Ritendra Roy have between them more than 100 years’ senior management experience across North America, Europe and Asia. Their experience spans clinical care, logistics, managing complexity and customer services. Graduates of top universities - IIMs, XLRI, Columbia, New York, Boston, London Business School, Calcutta Medical College, St. Stephens College and Miranda House - the team brings credibility and expertise to the very poorly organized and fragmented Indian Elder Care industry.

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