Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Now do recharge while earning rewards on Unlockar app with direct recharge feature

The Indian Social Local Mobile technology pioneer app, Unlockar added another feature to its rewarding application. The new addition in the app features "Direct Recharge". The feature is not only beneficial to its users who earns using Unlockar app in recharging there phones but also gives an opportunity to show there generosity by donating one rupee from there recharge amount to charity. The recharge is available for all service providers and user can recharge for amount like Rs 11, Rs 21, Rs 51, Rs 101. Unlockar has Akshay Patra and Peta India as CSR partners to whom charity amount is donated.

Unlockar App
Unlockar App (click to enlarge)

What is Unlockar?

If you are wondering what Unlockar its an app which makes your boring lock screen lively with option to either interact with it to earn rewards or simply swipe to unlock the phone as usual. When you wake up your phone you will see content from pre selected categories like health tips, fashion trends, news, scores, weather updates, quotes or wallpapers and mobile advertisements directly on your lock screen. Now you will option to either swipe left to interact with the displayed content to claim a deal or engage with an ad, Or swipe right to go straight to your phone as you always do. There is also an option to swipe up to share the content with your friends directly from your lock screen.

Mr. Piyush Paul, Director, Co-Founder & CEO, Unlockar Apps Pvt. Ltd. commented, “We have come a long way in the field of SOLOMO, with all our offerings and have been able to attain user gratification through content sharing. However, with the launch of the ‘Direct-Recharge’ feature, we intend to make the app more functional while doing our bit to contribute to the wellbeing of society.”

Furthermore, the app also allows redeeming rewards through direct recharge. After its launch, the app initially did 30 transactions a day and within a week it offered recharges worth Rs. 10,000. In view of this, it is expecting 100 transactions a day within a month’s time. 

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