In 1890, Herman Hollerith used punch
card to record and read data from a computer this helped him completing the
census in just 1 year which took 8 years for 1880 census. Since that time
storage devices have changed a lot, storage devices are made compact and more
efficient. After punch card there have been many technologies gradually taking
over one another in next 100 years 3 generations saw different storage
technologies and devices in form of Tube storage and Drum memory in 1950s,
Cassette tapes capable of storing 660Kb per side, gradually Floppy disks
overtook Cassettes for data storage but still our generation has nostalgic
memories as they were being used to record and store music, till early 2000s
Magnetic cassette Tapes ruled the music industry.
It’s been 15 years and we are still
using Pen Drives for carrying and transfer of data of all sorts be it office
documents, music, movies, complex projects, operating systems etc. and we have
enough reasons to continue to do so. Be it its compact design, ease of
connectivity as it uses the universal USB slot to connect. Now a days fashion
enthusiasts can get these pen drives in real cool design, one can buy a Pen
drive that can fit as a wrist band or it can have as cool design as your
Nothing is permanent in
tech world and everything can become obsolete with introduction of a new
product offering better solution in any terms, same is the case with pendrives
now a days pendrives are most common storage devices but who knows when technology
like Cloud storage reaches the masses what will be usability of these cute
little devices which has served us for so many years, till that day comes
collect your favorite pen drive and use it
in the way you want.
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