Wednesday, 14 May 2014

How to resolve Connected to WiFi but no internet access for Android

Its true that smartphones are not smart without internet access. Most of the Smartphone users are on Android platform and are increasing day by day. There are numerous Android phones in market from various manufacturers. One issue is common in these droid devices be it from Samsung, Sony , HTC , Motorola , Micromax or any other brand and that is at some point we see these devices connected to wifi but could not connect to internet. Below are simple tricks to try out when you face this issue on your Android device next time.

Method 1 - Change WiFi Setting

Step1: Navigate to Settings > Wifi > Long select on your Wifi Network to see Modify Network Option

Step2: Select Modify Network option

Step3: Enter password

Step4: Check Show Advance option

Step5: Scroll down to view advance options which must be available by now.

Step6: Change IP Settings from DHCP to Static

IP Address : Most probably your Gateway address will be change your IP Address my changing last digit in this address use any value preferably between 2 to 20.

Change DNS1 to

Change DNS2 to

Step7: Save these settings.

Step8: Login into your wifi network if required, you device should be able to connect to internet by now.

Method 2: Reset Router and Wifi Network

Step1: Navigate to Settings > Wifi > Long select on your Wifi Network to see Forget Network Option

Step2: Select Forget Network

Step3: Switch off your router and wait for 10-15 seconds before restarting it.

Step4: Restart your Wifi router

Step5: Reboot your phone

Step6: Search for your Wifi Network in available Network lists.

Step7: Connect to your network and check if device is connected to internet or not.

Step8: If you are connected to internet by now then you are done else perform Step 2 to Step 8 from Method 1.

Method 3

Update your phone and Router date and time to match internet provider date and time to check if all three are in Sync.

Method 4

If none of above method works than download any Wifi issue Fixing application such as WiFi Fixer. This application will analyze and resolve issues if your device is connected to wifi but not able to connect to internet.

Hope one of these method works for you to resolve this issue. Let us know if these methods doesn't work for you thru comment section below or by visiting contact us page.

Method 5: (Reader Suggested)

As suggested by our reader Mr. Abhilash in comments you can try following steps too.

  • Open your wireless router's settings page from any web browser.
  • open wireless section , in there change wireless mode to 802.11b or 802.11g, but not to 802.11b+g+n then you can connect easily even with dynamic ip settings in your android phone.


  1. None of these worked for me...but found out the actual problem....the IP address of my router and phone were different(it saved IP address from other network). Changed it and now it works...!

    1. Thanks Shamsher for your comment. This will be really helpful for other readers.
      Rahul Kasana

    2. nothing happen... plss.. help me how you fix it

    3. what is default ipaddress you are seeing.

    4. plz send step by step info, my mail id is

    5. thanyou so much brother !!!

    6. How did u correct it ..? Pls tell me i m facing similar kind of problem 1

    7. Thanks shamsher... Ur method works

    8. Hi Shamsher,

      I am facing the same issue.

      Kindly share the step by step process on

    9. this IP changing worked man thanks shamsher......none of the above worked the only method worked was yours

    10. how do you do that?

    11. hi there!
      plzzzzz plz help me coz none of these methods work for me. I have google nexus 5x; before my internet was working well but the issue start from 2 days its says"connected but no no internet access" but the net is working on laptop...though I can connect to other wifi except my home wifi. plz, tell me what is the issue.
      I am getting sick of this issue...I didn't leave any single post on the internet regarding this issue but still no solution for my internet access.

    12. hey everyone, i had this problem (wifi connected on my phone, it doesn't work or surf the internet but everything else worked just fine connected on the same network connection, wifi and cable)

      so it wasn't the connection itself but it was the phone so, i'm using a Lenovo Vibe shot, and running the Marshmallow is 6.x
      go to settings in your phone
      data usage
      chose the WLAN section
      tab the three dots at the right corner of your screen
      unable all

      and it worked for me, as simple as that

    13. It's not working for me method 1 and 2 ?
      How do I change it like sameee? Pleasssee helppppp

    14. I got it fixed.
      I opened my router configuration page from my pc's web browser.
      There I changed the time and date according to the phone's time and date.

      And it works.

    15. pls help me how do i change ip address

    16. First method worked thanks a lot

    17. Hi shamsher,

      grttt..worked perfectly. i tried all other methods, but hadn't worked.

      many thanks

    18. The real mvp of this post!

    19. OMG Thank You Shamsher for your post! My phone's IP address was different from my IP address of my router after I checked it and after following Method #1 and then inputted the router's IP address my phone was connected! It's the small details that make a huge difference! And to think just ealier today the Tech Guy had no clue how to fix my issue! Neither did the my phone company! WOW!

  2. first method worked THANK YOU so much !

    1. Thats great, Thanks for your kind words.

    2. thanks anonymous and Rahul Kasana! after changing both my DNS,im able to access internet! After so long! thought i wasn't going to make it thanks once again.

    3. Thanks Rahul; after struggling for a day on a new tablet your first method worked 100%. Thank you for the help!!

  3. this was awesome!! first method worked.thanks a bunch!!

  4. Thank you so much Rahul Kasana, your first method worked perfectly for me :)
    God Bless you for sharing this :')

  5. Thanks man it works

  6. First method worked thanku so much .

  7. tried everything except changing time..can u elaborate how to do it??

    1. Connect physically(i.e. using LAN Cable) to ur ISP , login to their home page check the timezone. Now update time in your phone.

      Plug in cable to your router , and connect ur system with lan cable from ur router.
      Login in to your router (for netgear
      Select timezone same as your ISP's time zone.

      This should work

  8. Rahul, you are a genius! Method 1 worked beautifully for me and I'm glad it did because I was just about to throw my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 out of the window.
    Just one question, I've had the phone for a year and it's worked fine - always connecting with my wi-fi at home no problem. Why should it suddenly decide to stop working? It was showing as still connected to the wi-fi but just couldn't access any websites.

    Thanks again Rahul. You're a lifesaver!

    1. Hi Philip,

      Thanks for your kind words. Wifi not working suddenly can be due to various reasons such as firmware upgrade, router issue (many times old router needs to restarted to get internet access), Phones mother board issue etc.

    2. Rahul 1st method worked for me last month. but today again the same prob is coming. I again tried the same method but could not connect again. Plz help.

    3. Me too Shilpi..... worked few days and then same issue occurs. Any thoughts Rahul?

    4. Hi Shilpi Kapoor,
      Are you connecting your mobile to more than one wifi spots, if yes than try to give different Ip addresses (last digit varying from 2-20 or even higher). Its just hit and trial which worked for me. Mean while I will try to get other definite workarounds.
      Rahul Kasana

  9. Method 1 worked for me! Thank you very much! :)

  10. Thank you so much. Method one work for me :). I was freaking out when my phone didn't allow me to use the internet. Thank you so much

  11. Nagging problem of not being able to use internet from the office network was finally solved with your instruction. Good job. Thank you very much. Ramprasad R.

  12. Hi there, my case is a little bit different. I made my laptop as the wireless hotspot. My phone Samsung Galaxy S3 has no problem connecting to the internet using the wireless hotspot, while my ASUS Zenfone 6 can't connect to the internet using the same hotspot. My zenfone connected to the hotspot without any problem, but there is no internet access. And then I tried to use my phone as the hotspot (tethering), and my asus zenfone 6 can connect to the internet. So the problem here is, my zenfone can't connect to the internet only if I use the hotspot that I made from my laptop.. Is there any solution?

  13. Hi, It does not let me save the settings. Why?

  14. Can you explain technically why it should work if I change it to Static IP?
    I am testing this method now.

    1. When u select DHCP your router assigns your connecting device ip address as well as DNS servers, which differs from router to router. When select Static IP we are changing DNS servers to be generic which works with most of devices.
      So even if you dont change your ip address but manage to change DNS servers as mentioned above you should get connected to Internet.

  15. My wifi settng shows disabled

  16. Thanks man, first option worked well!!

  17. Thank you..soo much.. Method one worked. and I didn't even follow all the steps.. i just changed the dns settings.. and restarted my phone. Thank you. - Sam

  18. Good Contribution. Keep it up.

  19. Method 3 works for me!!! Thanks!!!

  20. method 1 working...thank u...

  21. thanksss a ton i have resolved my problem and saved this page as my bookmark

  22. i tried all the options but could not connect to internet using my ASUS zenphone 5.Any tips wuld be appriciated..

  23. WiFi fixer resolved it for me :)

  24. THANK YOUUUU *_*

  25. It works for me when I choose DHCP to Static as above screenshot but was wondering why my dhcp is not working where I have used before?

  26. I can access internet for a few minutes and then the litle triangle changes from blue to gray and I lose the connection, even though it says connected. I made it static like you wrote. Help please...

    1. I have the same problem with my tablet and none of the things worked. Any other ideas?

  27. Thanks a lot rahul....u r really intelligent...I bought motog 2nd gen in flipkart 4 days ago...first day wifi worked...from 2nd day it shows as wifi connected but Internet not opening.I asked flipkart for replacement of motog...but now I read ur post and changed dns and ip address last digit and it works man..I'm really grateful to you but now confused whether to get it replaced or not....

    1. Hi Srujana,
      Thanks for kind words, I dont think you should be needing a replacement because this issue exist for every other Android device.


  28. Hi Rahul,

    I connected to the WIFI using airtel 3G dongle and did all the steps but with no luck. How can i rectify this



  29. thanks a lot dude :)

  30. I connected to the WIFI using airtel 4G dongle and did all the steps but with no luck. How can i rectify this.I am using xolo q 800 x edition

    1. Hi, Find out ip address of some other device connected to same dongle, say for laptop it is, then use similar ip address in your static ip like

  31. I have connect my mobile to WiFi but no internet access why?

    1. Hi Anuja, Can you share your device model number and OS

  32. Thanks.On Android it is working but if it is a Nokia Symbian(Nokia C6-01) mobile what will do

    1. Hi Thanks for your comment , I will try to get this work on Symbian phone once I get it.

  33. Thanks, 1st method is worked. Is it work for in any location without changing the settings or has to change to DHCP again?

    1. It should work for any location, if it doesn't do comment back

  34. Hi Rahul,
    I am using Samsug Galaxy Ace G-S5830i. I am able to connect through wifi. WIFI is connect & My apps are working.(whatsapp & playstore) But I am not able to browse on browser. It shows error, "please check connection".

    1. Hi Manoj, can you try changing your DNS settings as given in post and then connect to WiFi.

      Generally this issue arises because of DNS error only.

    2. Hi Rahul, thanks for your time. But I have tried all above steps, still not able to use internet. Im using only whatsapp now. Please help.

  35. Hii Rahul,
    I am employee of a company in which wifi facility available but recently firewall updated also they have made some change so that wifi does not connect in mobilephones eventhough strong network available also ii connects in laptop..
    Please help.

    1. Actually there is problem with mac-id.

    2. Your company has made this connection as intranet, i think with vpn application and credentials you should be able to connect to internet.

  36. 1st method worked for me. Thanks

  37. unable to fine advanced option for first method and hence not able to change static

    1. On my phone I had to press and hold on the wifi connection until the option came up.

  38. thanks very much it is working. I have tryed several method but i am failed . But finally your procedure help mi

  39. IPL 2015 live score
    This is awesome post,thanks for this useful information,i think this will helps other,keep posting for update us.

  40. hey man thanks a ton first method worked amazingly !! can you please tell me what exactly did we do by changing all those things!!! what exactly did we change in simple words please im not able to understand how it really happened!!!!

    1. Hi Krishna,

      Thanks for your comment, we did two things first we removed an ip conflict from wifi router by changing the ip address , second we used Google open DNS for Domain name mapping. Hope this answers your querry.

      To receive more tech updates you can also like our page


  41. Thank you very much for the article. Method 1 worked with first try... :) Perfect. Greatly appreciated. Enjoy your days.

  42. Thanks a ton man! It solved my problem

  43. tnx for the tips... a big help for me... i have a good connection now including the phone of my two nieces... im just follw the method 1 and done.... tnx a lot sir... god bless!!!

    in my phone its to easy to apply but in my two nieces phone its to hard so i need to forget first the connection then before i connect i edit the IP add. i change the last digit before i connect and then its working...

  44. tnx for the tips... a big help for me... i have a good connection now including the phone of my two nieces... im just follw the method 1 and done.... tnx a lot sir... god bless!!!

    in my phone its to easy to apply but in my two nieces phone its to hard so i need to forget first the connection then before i connect i edit the IP add. i change the last digit before i connect and then its working...

  45. I have Samsung Galaxy S5 which was working perfectly on this specific Wifi network, but one day still connects but no more internet while my other friends enjoys playing or surfing on the same connection. I tried your first method but the problem is I cant save the changes, there is no SAVE option.

    note: the phone can still connect to other wifi networks.

  46. Worked Perfectly Rahul...thanks so much....God bless you...Instead of talking nonsense on the public platform, youngsters should do these kind of things...But surprised to see so many people having the same problem !!!!

  47. thanqqqqqqq sooo worked i just got terrified y my mobile not accepting the internet but now m relifed

  48. First method worked for me, the wifi connects but there is no access to the internet..
    Plz help

  49. hi rahul, i tried using the 1st method but lastly it did not allow me to save so i had to cancel all the modifications.
    Next i tried the 2nd method that too did not work.
    pls let me know what should i do?

    1. Hi ,

      What is the error you are seeing using first method when trying to save the settings.

    2. Hi rahul i am very sorry, for the late reply. Actually i did reply two days ago but that did not reflect on this page. Anyways maybe i did some mistake in posting my reply.
      The Save option did not work for me becase i did not change all the listed parameters, then later i re-modified it as per ur advice n then i could save it.
      But still the internet connection did not work.

      So i tried the 2nd method u have advised n used the "Forget network" .
      But this method too not work for internet connection.

      Please help rahul,

  50. sir,
    i am using 1st method but i dint get result for my android mobile but net is working in my pc.

  51. method 1 worked like a charm.
    thanks a lot! :)

  52. hi rahul non of the above method is solve my problem, i use asus zenfone 5 having kikat 4.4.2 verson. my mobile connect with my router but it show the message that "change the wifi" but when i connect my mobile with my friend's router it doesn't show any error help me

    1. Hi Vaibhav, are you able to browse internet on any other device using same wifi? If yes then find out the ip address of that device and comment the same, I will take a look at it.

    2. yes i browse internet on my laptop using same wifi

  53. Hi ..i have the same problem with my HTC desire 626G+
    Andreoid 4.4.2
    And my ip
    I tried all the steps but no luck plz help me

  54. I am using Samsung Galaxy Splus. WIFi is college connection. None of the above methods works for me.. Please help

  55. thanx very much ..its very helpful indeed it worked

  56. Thank you so much man!! You saved my day! :)

  57. i got a wifi fix for android 5.0 ...i am using lenovo k3 note and i was facing wi fi problem device connects to the modem but there is no internet access .......i use an app wifi fixer from google play store......and it works fine for me try wi fi fixer

  58. i am following this step but my wifi is not working.........
    plz... help. me........

  59. On your Wifi list. Try "Forget Network" to the one you are connecting to.

    Then connect to it again.
    This solved my case. HTH

  60. On your Wifi list. Try "Forget Network" to the one you are connecting to.

    Then connect to it again.
    This solved my case. HTH

  61. Hi
    I have tried all but still no internet connectivity

  62. changing to and works. thanks!


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    Very interesting thanks. I believe there's even more that could be on there! Keep it up.................

  64. <3 you bro ty so much method 1 worked ez my dad can leave me in peace.

  65. I m not able change my static ip

  66. Great fix. Solved in the first step itself. thanks

  67. Thanks mate..first method worked..thanks a lot..

  68. Thank you wow cant believe after about 6 months that eventually i found your page and it has helped me really appreciate it! BIG BIG THANK YOU

  69. I am trying your first method but not work.

  70. i m using an open wifi of my neighbour from last few days but suddenly i am not getting the internet accessbut iam connected with wi fi and signal is strong also the name of wifi link had turned blue color

  71. i m using an open wifi of my neighbour from last few days but suddenly i am not getting the internet accessbut iam connected with wi fi and signal is strong also the name of wifi link

  72. here is the actual solution for it. open your wireless router's settings page from any web browser, then open wireless section , in there change wireless mode to 802.11b or 802.11g, but not to 802.11b+g+n then you can connect easily even with dynamic ip settings in your android phone.

    It worked flawlessly for me & let me know it it works for anybody else also.


    1. Thanks Abhilash for sharing this, should surely help fellow readers.

    2. It worked for me as well. Thank you so much.

    3. Did not work for me. any way out?

  73. Glad that my information helped somebody.

  74. tried all suggestion.but still message is connected,no internet.
    What to do.?

  75. Hey... I am having same problem.. Pls help me.. after applying method 1 WiFi is connected but there is no Internet connection.. Pls help..

  76. Thanks a lot.. I changed my settings from static to dynamic IP and it worked for me.

  77. But, none of the above methods worked. :( I can use LAN on my laptop. When I connect wifi, laptop says 'Connected, Secured' but still no internet! Also, I use lenovo A6000. Wifi gets connected, but cant browse internet.

    Leave aside laptop, I need fix for mobile.
    I used static IP all these days and it worked. Donno what happened all of sudden.

    1. Select your wifi network, forget network and then again connect. Also give a try to reset your router, let us know if that helps.

  78. The method 1 is a genuine solution but make sure the gateway IP should be the IP of the wireless network router(hotspot).Cheers !!!

  79. Method 5 by Mr. Abhilash was the winner for me! Thank you. I have been trying everything and asking many techies with the no solution until now. Thanks again!

  80. omg, thank you for this help!!! i almost wanna throw away my phone lmao,, jk :) btw, i use method 1!! thanks a lot!

  81. Thank you so much...1st method worked

  82. non of this works
    i have flash a custom rom in which this error occurs . i also try restoring stock rom but in stock rom even wifi and sim card also dont work.
    so i came back to custom rom but dont know how to solve this problem.
    please help me solve the problem

  83. thank you so much
    no other articles worked, only yours did..happy;)

  84. what fixed mine was .if your connected to a router ,reset the modem as well as the router .worked for me

  85. Thanks,it really solve my problem ☺😊😀

  86. Hi...recently I purchased mi is showing connected to my home WiFi...but could not sign in...but my office WiFi network nicely connected to my phone...and it works..but my home WiFi is connected to my phone but no internet access and I could not sign in....plz help..I tried so many method...plz help me

  87. My two devices that rely on WiFi, a Garmin Virb Ultra action camera, and a Ring security doorbell, both come back in my Google Pixel's Wifi status as "Connected No Internet." This prevents me from setting up the Ring security door bell (but strangely, does allow my cell phone to control the functions of the Garmin action camera, when I choose to ignore the status, and choose "connect anyway.") Per the instructions posted here, I did change my Gateway address, and did option "static." I found already DNS1 AND 2 configured per your instructions. Still getting "Connected no internet."

    1. Have you tried connecting to some other network just to be sure that your devices are connecting to internet

  88. Hi,

    Thanks for the guide. Unfortunately, none of these solutions have worked for me! My laptop connects fine via Wi-Fi, but neither of my TWO android phones (Sony Z3 Compact and Huawei ALE-L21) are able to stably connect to the internet. The Sony runs on Android 6.0.1 and the Huawei on 5.0.1.

    What happens, in the space of about 5 seconds, is:

    1) phone searches for wi-fi networks
    2) finds and connects to my home wi-fi network
    3) says "connected, no internet"
    4) disconnects and disappears from list of available networks
    5) return to step 1...

    Sometimes, I might get 2 seconds of internet between step 2 and 3 (proof that internet does work!), but it almost immediately disconnects.

    What I have tried so far, but none of which have worked:

    1) Soft reboot of both router (ZTE Livebox FTTH v2) and phones.
    2) Factory reset of both router and phones
    3) Static IP settings for both phones
    4) Safe mode in both phones
    5) Wifi Fixer
    6) Desyncing and resyncing router and phone location times

    Anything that I may have missed here? Or is this possibly a hardware fault? The "connected, no internet" thing only started happening a few days ago, before which this never happened. Would greatly appreciate your help in diagnosing this!

  89. Any of the method doesnt work for me

  90. it's working thank you

  91. Hello bro.We use micro-tic the problem is some of device connect to internet but show that device no internet i need help to solve this problem.

  92. Greetings Mr. Rahul, I deeply thank you for your advice and instruction regarding this issue. The 2nd method work for me marvelously.I cannot say anything but thank you so very much, this problem got me very depressed that I almost bought a new phone. Thank you once again and may your good deed be paid in the future. Good day mr. Rahul.

  93. thank you so much.. i thought i had to change my phone or router. Method 1 worked for me like a charm. just can't thank you enough. Great work.
    Thank you once again.

    1. bro what is method 1 can u tell me

  94. Worked for my android phone. Thank you

    1. hi haley can u help me. i m facing same issue plzzz can u tell me step by step on this E mail id

  95. It works. I changed the setting from DHCP to Static and now i can connect to my wifi again. Thanks btw

  96. My huawei lua-l21 is giving me problems it starts and gets stuck on WiFi select other network from there doesn't move
    Please help tried everything
    Please send me step by step instructions please

  97. I changed my wireless mode to 802.11g, it works!

  98. Many good points to try here. None worked for me, but I kept hunting. The last thing I did was to remove the corresponding entry for MAC filtering on my WLAN router, reboot it and the phone, re-add the MAC address, and connect. Now can access the internet again. Thanks for the brainstorming site!

  99. Wifi is connected but it can not accesss internet for any app except my browser.Mobile hotspot works for all things.When I open facebook or any other things via app that it works only in condition of hotspot or mobile data but when I connected to wifi facebook or google via browser opens but any apps do not work.
    So,please reply soon.I will be wait.

  100. Tried everything not working my phone .org xolo a550s ips pls help send to email

  101. First method worked. Thanks a bunch. :D

  102. Thanks a lot. First method worked :)

  103. I tried first method but it didn't work for me. M trying to connect my Motorola device through wi-fi to other Motorola e3. But unable to connect. Other mobiles r getting connected but moto e is not getting connected. Earlier it used to get connected but facing this problem since 3-4 days

  104. hi guys,

    am having problem with my galaxy phone connecting to internet.
    It was working just fine but suddenly it can no longer connect to the internet. I can access WIFI network but when I try connecting to internet to log in, it just stops and this comes up ' Oops we've encountered an error' - contact support I have tried the methods here but none worked. Tried the other devices - laptop and other phones it works except my galaxy ph.

  105. I have rooted my phone and frozen a bunch of apps among others the google time (or smth similar). Turned out this app is used to correlate the time with my wifi router and as a result the phone was not getting internet. Surprisingly, I was able to connect to some public wifi networks.
    Anyhow, hope this would help somebody with similar problems.

  106. I have a Samsung Galaxy S5.
    Recently my work wifi (public) Connects as it did any other day.
    Except when I try to go to the internet or use any app that requires connection it does not work.
    I have verified that the connection/internet works on my home wifi and on a public wifi (bar)
    People with other androids at work are not having an issue.
    Tried most everything in this blog but still nothing.
    What is going on?

  107. How are you brother. .I wish you are also fine. Brother apki pass koi trick hai jis sy kisi ka bi Wi-Fi password malome kr saky tu plezzz as ki information sent kre ..
    Contact number. 03100221951

  108. The person who wrote this definitely needs a grammar lesson. I cannot believe how difficult it was for me to follow these directions, Simply because there speech and writing style was not what I would call unique. It was just plain incorrect. It was quite a bummer because all I wanted was to find out why in the WiFi settings on my Android it displays "Conneced No Internet"?

  109. Hello sir, yesterday I installed cynogenmod lollipop on my Samsung galaxy note I gt n7000 and I noticed a bug that I was not able to access the internet via my cellular data and wifi. Please help me!!!! I am in problem...
    It's urgent...

  110. No methods are not worked for me but i can able to browse but whatsapp and youtube are not at all working...

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  116. What worked for me was different: Please try this if you are still having problems!!!

    Go to the wifi settings in your router (connect with 192. or 168 or similar number see your router info or bottom of your router) than create a "guest network". This is a completely seperate network from your regular network and only to be used by this single troubled device! It is standerd set with a different password. Leave it with this unique different password or make sure it has a unique different password different from your standard network password used by all other devices! NOW connect your troubled device to this seperate guestnetwork with your unique password. Problem solved for me! Finally!

    Perhaps some of these devices give a conflict with other devices when connect to the same network. Or the same password and device being recognised as 2 logings and being blocked. I don`t know but just make sure you only use this seperate guestnetwork for that 1 troubled device.

    Other settings that i used that might have influenced the succes:
    2.4 Ghz set at a maxium channel of 4 (i use channel 4) don`t go higher.
    5Ghz set a channel 40

    Hopefully this works for you.

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