Sunday, 19 January 2014

[Updated]-Mad about Ads ? Get Paid to watch ads on new Micromax Mad A94

As many of you would have seen Micromax TVCs for Mad about ads campaign. Micromax has materialized it with launch of new budget smartphone Micromax Mad A94. Micromax has also launched application Micromax Mad, a unique application that comes preloaded with A94 on which users will get paid for watching their favourite ads. Yes you read it right, users will have to Dial a number and then view Micromax Mad ad's to earn points. Micromax will then convert these points to equal amount of money and credit to your prepaid or postpaid account. It is independent of service providers for all opted-in subscribers.

You can also participate in online contest to get a chance to win A94, details are at end of this post.

Commenting on the launch, Mr. Rahul Sharma, Co-founder, Micromax said “With the launch of Micromax MAd, we aim to create a powerful medium to interact, engage, entertain and connect with the consumers by lending them our ears to voice their areas of interest, preferences and incentivizing it for them through reward.  This service would provide a high engagement communication channel for the brands to break away from the clutter. It is also going to prove to be a game changer for operator eco-system who are looking at newer and innovative ways to help them improve their profitability from every user. This unique service would also prove to be very significant for mobile eco-systems by solving the problem of ARPU (Average revenue per user), and contributing to the overall profitability."

Coming to A94 specifications, A94 comes with 4.5'  touch screen, 5MP rear and front camera, powered by 1.2 GHz quad core processor with 1800 mAh strong battery. A94 runs on Androind 4.2 Jelly Bean but disappoints a bit on RAM front as it comes with only 512 MB RAM which can  be ignored looking at its low price of Rs 8490/-

Other than the unique MAd application, the phone packs lot of fun and new features like M!Live portal to download unlimited Games, Videos, Wallpapers & Music , BBM & Hike for Instant Messaging, Spuul to Watch Free Movies, Kingsoft Office to read, write and edit attachments On-the-Go, Opera Mini browser for optimal net surfing. The phone supports Bluetooth v4.0 and Wi-Fi, ensuring full time connectivity for the social media buffs.

You can participate in Mad Contest online as well to get a chance to win Micromax Mad A94. Visit , login to the site you can login with your facebook account also , watch videos and guess the right ad for the video and earn points. Wrong guess leads to negative points. You can earn additional 50 points by liking Micromax on Facebook, 100 points by uploading your own video, 10 points by guessing right answer to user uploaded video, 50 points to guess Micromax videos correctly. Negative points would be 20% of points rewarded for right answer.

If you are stuck at any Micromax video, I have a simple and superb trick to know the answer , comment on this post if you want to know the trick and lead the leader board. :) :)


To get answers of Micromax Uploaded ad, open in Chrome or Firefox browser.
Login to play contest.
Wait for the video to start, right click on video -> Select Inspect Element.

A console will open up with that particular video element as highlighted.
Expand this line.

You will be able to find the answer.
I have taken screenshots for first video.
Enjoy :) :)


  1. Replies
    1. really??...on what u said " Mad Contest online, (u) have a simple and superb trick to know the answer , comment on this post if you want to know the trick and lead the leader board. :) :).."
      Thanks in Advance Dear Rahul !!

    2. Yes , I do have that , share ur mail id , i will send the details

    3. Thanks Rahul !!...

  2. what is it send me my email :

  3. Sent to your mail id +krishnesh Chodankar, enjoy :)

  4. plzz send it to id is

    1. Hi Shubhajit,

      Check Update sections of Post, I have posted the trick in post itself.

  5. i lost my points with out recharge its waste fake app

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