Saturday, 7 December 2013

How to Root Micromax Canvas HD (and other MTK devices) without using PC

Biggest dilemma after owning an Android phone is whether to root it or not. As process of rooting a phone using SP tools or any other tools using PC are bit lengthy and complicated, users are afraid of rooting their device as a simple mistake can change a fully functional android device into a mere paper weight. On the other side there are many advantages of rooting. Rooting allows you to take your phone to its full capacity. As most of the OEMs takes a lot of time to release firmware updates to their Android phones. You can enjoy latest custom roms on your rooted device.

Here we are going to show you a method to root your device without using PC,which works for most of the Android devices.

To root your device you must download framaroot application developed by one of XDA devedloper alephzain  . Once you have downloaded , install this app. Make sure you have checked "Unknown Sources" in Security settings to allow application installation from sources other than Google play store.You can install this app on your android without worries as even if it doesn't work on your device it wont brick your phone.

Framaroot uses 6 exploits basically which are safe to root your android phone. These 6 exploits are Gandalf, Boromir, Sam, Frodo, Aragorn and Gimli. Seems like all the exploits are discovered by Lord of the Rings fan :) .

Steps to Root your device without using PC

Step1: Download framaroot application from the link above.

Step2: Install framaroot.apk.

Step3: Choose "Install Superuser" option inside Framaroot.

Step4: Select any exploits which appears on your device. For Canvas HD - Boromir

Step5:  If a message "Success :-) ... Superuser and su binaly installed. You have to reboot your device." pops up. Your device is successfully rooted. If not try other exploit listed for your phone.

Download Rootchecker to verify.

I have tried this on my Canvas HD and it worked smoothly.

More devices which can be rooted with this method can be found in below link.

List of devices which works with framaroot.

Do try this method and share your experience in comments sections with your device name and exploit used.


  1. i am not able flash custom roms even though my device is i need to opt for pc root or is there a way to flash custom roms using framaroot root..plz help me!!!

    1. I dont think there is a way to flash custom roms using framaroot, its for rooting only. To flash custom roms you can use Rom manager applications.

      Hope below link helps you

  2. Can I after this process merge my phone and SD memory?

    1. Not sure about merge, but you can definitely swap phone and SD memory after this process

  3. Can anyone help me to root Alcatel one touch idol x+
