Sunday, 26 May 2013

Know your unknown callers with True Caller

Ever faced a situation when you missed a call from unknown number and you were curious to know whose number is this? If yes then we have a solution for you. There are so many mobile number tracking websites and applications but these so called mobile number tracker gives you information on network provider and telecom circle only but now you can search any number and get details of the owner of that number on TrueCaller.

TrueCaller is a global phone directory on web which allows users to search phone numbers and names in their directory. More people joins in more data adds to global directory.

For PC users: 

Anyone can navigate to and join website thru email, facebook, google, twitter, linkedin or yahoo account.

Once account set up is done user can search for numbers for which they are seeking information.

For Mobile Users:

Android Smart phone users can download TrueCaller application from play store and get details of every incoming call number provided number exists in TrueCaller global directory. Application also supports blocking of numbers from which you don't want to receive any calls.

How does it works:

TrueCaller's database is formed with the numbers obtained from its users. Users can choose to collaborate and share their contact list to add more numbers to data base this way it grows as with number of users opting to collaborate. Currently around 18 million people are connected to Truecaller and still growing.

How to disable your number in Truecaller Search:

Many people may not feel secure enough getting their number searched publicly in true caller. To unlist your number from Truecaller search one can visit and submit form.

1 comment:

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