Friday, 1 March 2013

Samsung officially announced Tizen , Android's rival at MWC

After capturing the Smartphone market thru its Android based smartphone , Samsung officially announced its  mobile operating system Tizen to compete with the big Apple's iOS and Google's Android OS.
The move is backed up by several cellphone carriers. As Google's dominance is increasing day by day in Smartphone and web market thru Android phones.

Samsung has dumped its own made BADA OS to pave way for Tizen. BADA OS has a negligible share in market as of now. BADA OS apps can be used on Tizen platform but not vice versa. Tizen mobiles are expected to be launched with more than 1000 apps in Tizen store.

However road is not so easy for Tizen as of now as we read some reviews from MWC . A review on CNET says Tizen as awful, poorly executed , Android copy cats. Tizen is more or less similar to Android 2.1 version with app icons round in shape instead of square.

Apart from much popular Android and iOS , Tizen has to compete with Microsoft's windows, revamped Blackberry OS, new comers Firefox OS, Ubuntu Touch as well.

Firefox OS and Ubuntu Touch are also displayed in MWC. Firefox OS got the similar review from CNET reviewer Rich Trenholm. On the other hand Ubuntu has got good reviews. Ubuntu is developed by US based Cannonical. Surprisingly Ubuntu Touch has not got any manufacturer or cellphone carrier backing as of now.

Tizen is expected to be more cleaner and elegant than it is displayed now in MWC. Hope Samsung takes feedback from MWC to rectify the issues reported by several users who were there for hands on. Eagerly waiting for devices running Tizen to come in market to get final review of the OS.

After war of smartphone in terms of hardware it would be interesting to see OS war in smart phone market.

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